Friday, April 6, 2012


Excitement, Adrenalin , happiness, fear, all this are feelings that come to to mind when I think about how photography makes me feel. I still remember being a kid and looking at my Dad’s old Life magazine photos and having all those same feelings transmitted to me from those images. It wasn’t till I was 21 that I decided to join a photography group that was all about lab work and Black and white photography,  I was hooked ! it was like a drug I dreamed about photos, I was in the streets looking at for photos, it was all I could think of and do. Then I actually started doing weddings by myself with lots of skill but little equipment pictures were a hit, I got hires to do two more weddings in 2 months and then family and reality snuck in, I realized  I had to stop dreaming about photos and finish my major to graduate college soon, which demanded a lot of time and effort, I was an accounting major in one of the top schools in the country (Venezuela) if I wanted to finfish my major I had to be committed to school,  which translates in a lot of hours studying and no time for wedding shoots or photos. Then another turn I meet the love of my life and move 500,000 miles to New York, there the bug starts again, but again I have to find a job an so I start working as a full time accountant which requires long work days at times and you guessed it , not much time for photography. Fast forward 2012 I have a great job, awesome husband and something I love more than Mac and Cheese, Photos or anything on this earth, my 11 month old son David.
Being a mom makes you think about all the wonderful things you want your baby to do and experience, and how you want them to dream and live life to the fullest. That’s when I thought about my own life, what kind of hypocrite would I be if I told my kid to follow his dreams, when I did not follow my own or did not even try ? Yes, I have a wonderful life, but was that what I wanted. Don’t get me wrong, I like working as an accountant, but somehow it was not enough, at least it did not feel like it was.
So here I’m, ready for the journey, where am I going ? To a future where I can proudly call myself a photographer, no more excuses, no more buts, and I’ll record every step of the journey to share my experience with  photographers  or whomever wants to join me.

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