It is so important that you CELEBRATE YOURSELF. I don't think this means you are selfish or self absorbed. I think you owe it to yourself, to do something special like a glamour session. Why should only movie starts get to look amazing ?
Dawn contacted me asking for some sexy glamour portraits, but she said she need it time to drop a few pounds, get in shape, etc. The funny thing is, she did not need to do any of that, in fact this was during the holidays after all the thanksgiving and holiday dinners. She had all the works, Professional hair and make up right before the shoot. A whole luggage full of amazing shoes, clothing and accessories to choose from. Some fun and energetic music in the background. Lights camera action ...time to have a blast!
With great posing techniques, awesome light and perfect hair and make up you will get amazing photographs...I promise. Enjoy the results !
Here she gave me this incredible smile. I could not fake this, we were just having a blash! music in the background and all. She felt like a model.

Here we tried playing with some props to show her long legs.
Glamorous Women, this could be the cover of a magazine !
It is all about having a great time. And then I can capture an amazing smile !
This is a unique experience for you because I photograph you in the comfort of your home or outdoors in any location that is special to you. I offer amazing pieces of wall art canvas, albums and fine art prints ready to hang in your walls.
If this is something you would like to experience Contact me to book a session.